I wish I had written in the baby princess calendar my mom gave me when Madison was born. I was stupid not to keep writing in it and keep track of the things that Maddie did for her first year. But I didn't! I don't even think I kept it up for 2 months! Oh well...
Today wasn't too exciting. We were just home all day. Madison's excema is getting better. The cream and medicine seem to be helping. Tonight after her bath she started throwing a temper tantrum on the changing table when I was trying to put her cream on her and dress her. She was kicking at me and scratching at me. The minute.. no second I picked her up she gave me the biggest smile and giggle. What a brat! She was tired though. Here's a picture of her nightly routine...

We have to lay her right under her crib toy so that she can hold on to that little blue ring and that is how she falls asleep! It's pretty funny. Not surprising though. Even since she was smaller she had to be holding on to our finger while she was falling asleep drinking her bottle. And before she discovered the blue ring I would lay her down in her crib and she would hold her little hand up and search for a finger to grab.
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