Here are some pictures that my mom took of Maddie on Tuesday before the speech therapist came...
We found the Toddler Tunes channel on the Bright House Cable music channels and boy does she like to dance to those songs! It's like she knows those songs are for her...
...isn't my daughter beautiful?!...
She only took that 2o minute nap in my lap, when I went to put her down she screamed and wouldn't go back to sleep. Later on we met some of my friends for dinner and on the car ride home she was knocked out for the night. I skipped her nightly bath and put her in her PJs and laid her right in her crib and she slept all night. (Until 11:30 in the morning I might add.) My baby likes her sleep! She always has and mommy is NOT complaining!!
Today I had all 4 of the kids and lots to do. (Since I was lazy on Wednesday.) We all went to Wal-Mart and I got the prescription for her steroid cream for her excema filled. Her old pediatrician wrote it for me but the insurance that I had before didn't cover it but the one I have now does. I'll pick it up tomorrow, it is the only cream that seemed to work really well on her skin. Then we went to get my car washed and after that I took the kids to McDonalds. Then we went to Barnes and Noble. One of things her speech therapist told me was that signing would be a good thing to start doing. She said she knows some parents are skeptical about it but kids really do drop the sign and use their words easily when they need to. So I went to Barnes and Noble and bought her a signing book for meal time that she can look at. And I also bought her a baby faces book because I knew she would like looking at the faces. And I bought some word flash cards that were also touch and feel. One of the card's word is jelly and there is a stucky spot on the card so the kids can associate the word with the object. On the back of the cards are suggested questions to ask the kids to keep them thinking. I thought they were pretty cool and she can use them for a while. Right outside the children's section I spotted the teacher's aids and education books. I spent about 20 minutes looking at them, it could of been longer but the boys were getting annoyed (maybe me and Sarah will go back someday soon because she likes looking at the chi;dren's books). I was looking through the books and I liked some of them but I didn't thnk it would be a great idea to buy any know because maybe they'll be outdated by the time it gets closer to me being in a classroom. (I'm only about to start my 3rd semester.) As I was looking thru them I saw one or two that basically states the same exact things that I have been learning in my classes, from how to set up your classroom to record keeping, portfolios and classroom management. It's almost like someone could read that book and become a teacher!! After Barnes and Noble I took them to the park...
>Maddie was a little apprehensive at usual...
...As you can probably see she was tired also because it was 3 o'clock and she hadn't slept at all since we were in go mode for the day.
Then she started to warm up and explore...
Now everybody watch out Maddie is on a mission...
Needless to say much like Tuesday she took about a 20 minute nap and refused to try to sleep in her crib for some reason (I guess its from being over tired) and passed out later on...
But this time I had to wake her up because she was sweaty and stinky and hadn't eaten dinner yet.
Well that was our past few days. This next week I'll be getting ready for my 21st! I want to go clothes shopping and get my haircut and all that good stuff.
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