Madison has definately become a Little Miss. Her personality has been shining through. She was being goofy tonight so I took her outside to run off some energy. And run she did! Before we went outside my mom told her to get Sarah's shoes that were in the living room so she could go walking with us. And she went and grabbed the shoes and started looking for Sarah. Low score in receptive communication my butte evaluation ladies. Sarah went and got Maddie's shoes from the room and gave them to her and she brought me her shoes and sat down with a big smile so I could put them on her. I opened the front door and Maddie went down the outside step by herself and ran down the driveway and turned onto the sidewalk. I thought she was going to go out into the street but she turned right onto the sidewalk like she owned the place. Needless, to say she was very happy to be outside. I couldn't help but remember the first time I took her outside for a walk and she could barely keep up with me now I can barely keep up with her!
(Don't mind her wild hair.)

Look at those long strides.

Trying to keep up with Sarah.

Squealing while running down the driveway

Trying to get in the garage. She likes to knock on the garage door.
When we were walking Sarah saw one of her friends from school outside her house with some adults. Sarah walked by and said hi. Maddie then had to say hi too. But she didn't just walk by and say hi. She stopped, faced them, put both hands up, waved with both hands and said "hi, hi, hi, hi" until they FULLY acknowledged she was there and said hi back and then went along on her merry way. It was too funny.
I was sitting on the couch today doing schoolwork and Maddie decides to come up and climb on the couch with me. She then decides that I'm not paying enough attention to her so she makes her way up into my arms and puts her foot right on the paper that I was writing on. Umm, excuse me Little Miss! If someone else was in the house I would of had them taking pictures because she was progressively getting in my way on purpose while laughing because she knew what she was doing!
She is hilarious and adorable. I can't believe they told you she had any problem with development. That's ridiculous!
ps. her wild hair gives her even more personality! (my youngest niece has that same wild curly hair!)
She is just too precious....I love her crazy hair.
My son does the same thing when I am trying to work from home or what not...he wants nothing to do with me while I am not working, but the moment I open up the laptop he "needs" me for something. I find it funny and just shake my head.
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