Anyways, what have me and Miss Madison been up to these past few days? My cousin had her baby shower on Sunday. Hopefully I'll get some pictures soon. After about 2 years of trying she is pregnant with a little boy. The theme was sailboats and my aunt and their friends went all out with decorations and food. They rented a room at a rec center. They even had real beta fish on some of the tables just to give you one example of what they did. There was a lot of people there. It took my cousin two and a half hours to open all of her presents and about 5 cars to take them all back! Later on that night there were 4 of us trying to organize what she got. We were at her house from 9pm-12am and she still had stuff spread out on her floor! She definately got a lot for her baby boy. By the end of the day though, my nerves were shot from chasing screaming, tired Madison around.
Other than the baby shower we haven't been up to much. I'm almost done with this semester at school. Which I am glad because I need a break! Even though it is only for a week. Next semester I have 2 teaching classes: Child Observation and Record Keeping and Child and Adolescent Development. I also have an Environmental Science class. Not this weekend but next weekend Maddie and I are going to Disney Workd with my dad and stepmom. It should be fun and a nice get away. Hopefully Maddie will behave.
That is about all for now...It's late and I have class early tomorrow morning.
Here is a picture of my little girl...

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